Measurement and Significant Figures Practice

1.            How many significant figures are in the measurement 102.400 meters?
A. five                   B. three                                C. six                      D. four

2.            Convert the following measurement to scientific notation: 101 000 grams
A. 1.01 x 105 g    B. 1.0100 x 10-5 g               C. 1.01000 x 105 g              D. 10.1 x 104 g

3.            Solve: 3.12 g + 0.8 g + 1.033 g = ?
A. 4.953 g             B. 5.0 g                  C. 4.9 g                  D. 5 g

4.            The volume of liquid being measured in the graduated cylinder is:

A. 8.000 cm3       B. 8.0 cm3            C. 8.00 cm3         D. 8.50 cm3

5.            Solve: 923 g divided by 20 312 cm3 = ?
A. 0.045 g/cm3   B. 0.04 g/cm3      C. 4.00 x 10-2 g/cm3         D. 0.0454 g/cm3

6.            How many significant figures are in the measurement 0.00130 cm?
A. four                  B. five                   C. three                                D. two

7.            Subtract: 7.987 m - 0.54 m
A. 7.5 m                B. 7.45 m              C. 7.4 m                D. 7.447 m

8.            The arrow denotes the measured point:
A. 2.530 cm         B. 2.8 cm              C. 2.80 cm            D. 2.53 cm

9.            The length of the red line measured here is:
A. 5.65 cm           B. 5.5 cm              C. 5.712 cm         D. 5.7 cm

10.          Solve: 345.009 g - 23.009 g = ?
A. 322                    B. 322.00 g           C. 322 g                 D. 322.000 g       

11.          The mass of a watch glass was measured four times. The masses were 99.997 g, 100.008 g, 100.011 g, and 100.005 g. What is the average mass of the watch glass?
A. 100.0 g             B. 100.01 g           C. 100.00525 g    D. 100.005 g

12.          Round the following measurement to three significant figures: 0.90985 cm2
A. 0.910 cm2       B. 0.909 cm2       C. 0.9099 cm2     D. 0.91 cm2

13.          Complete the following problem: A piece of stone has a mass of 24.595 grams and a volume of 5.34 cm3. What is the density of the stone? (remember that density = m/v)

A. 4.606 g/cm3                  B. 4.61 g/cm3     C. 0.22 cm3/g     D. 0.217 cm3/g

14.          Solve: 13.004 m + 3.09 m + 112.947 m = ?
A. 129 m               B. 129.0 m           C. 129.04 m         D. 129.041 m

15.          Solve: 123 000 m x 3 234 m = ?
A. 398 m2             B. 3.97 x 10-7 m2                C. 3.98 x 108 m2 D. 39800000 m2

16.          When performing the calculation 34.530 g + 12.1 g + 1 222.34 g, the final answer must have:
A. Three significant figures          B. Units of g3     C. Only one decimal place            D. Three decimal places

17.          When measuring the length of this red line with the metric ruler provided, the first decimal place that is uncertain is:
A. thousandths of centimeter    B. tenths of a centimeter  C. hundredths of a centimeter              D. meters

18.          Solve: 1.23 m x 0.89 m = ?
A. 1.1 m2             B. 1.0947 m2       C. 1.0 m2              D. 1.09 m2

19.          The length of this miniature piezo electric motor is:
A. 8.0 cm              B. 7.98 mm          C. 7.99 m              D. 8.0 mm

20.          How many significant figures are in the measurement 1.3000 meters?
A. five                   B. four                  C. three                                D. two


  1. can u explain #10 and why you have to make it 6 significant figures rather than 5? ???

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