Civil Liberties Chapter 4 Quiz

Question 1       The Constitution prohibits the federal government from:
1)         Coining money
2)         Chartering banks
3)         Regulating commerce with foreign nations
4)         Passing ex post facto laws
Question 2       The clause that ensures the judicial decrees and contracts made in one state will be binding and enforceable in another state is called ____________ clause.
1)         Privileges and immunities
2)         Commerce
3)         Full faith and credit
4)         Supremacy
Question 3       Under the full faith and credit clause, a divorce recognized in Massachusetts would:
1)         Not be recognized in any other state
2)         Only be recognized in the states neighboring Massachusetts
3)         Carry the full force of law in any other state
4)         Carry the full force of law in every state that had a similar statute
5)         Need to be re-adjudicated to be recognized in another state
Question 4       Litigation over gay marriage is likely to include the following Constitutional provisions:
1)         3rd Amendment
2)         13th Amendment
3)         Full faith and credit clause
4)         14th Amendment
5)         3 and 4
Question 5       What is the foundation for the incorporation doctrine?
1)         The 10th amendment
2)         The 14th amendment
3)         The commerce clause
4)         The necessary and proper clause
Question 6       What was the Supreme Court's decision in Gitlow v. New York?
1)         Citizens have the right to sue the government
2)         States were free to limit free expression
3)         States must abide by the 1st Amendment's guarantee of freedom of speech and the press
4)         Gitlow was allowed to publish his socialist manifesto
Question 7       Under which clause is the government prohibited from declaring a national religion?
1)         Due process
2)         Establishment
3)         Supremacy
4)         Commerce
Question 8       In the cases related to civil liberties, the Supreme court ruled that:
1)         Flag burning was unconstitutional
2)         Killing animals was unconstitutional
3)         Prayer in school was constitutional
4)         In one case, the use of hallucinogenic tea for religious purposes was permissible
Question 9       Which of the following type of speech can the government restrict?
1)         Thoughts
2)         Slander
3)         Symbolic speech
4)         Political speech
Question 10     The Supreme Court ruled that police does not need a search warrant to search a person being arrested.
1)         True
2)         False

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