Newa-Guthi Discourse Community

Newa-Guthi discourse community
The discourse community that I have been associated with since I was born is called Newa-Guthi. Newari people are regarded as indigenous population of Nepal inhabiting since the 14th century. One of its biggest gold is preserving traditional heritage. Because of an inheritance membership system, every child born as a male becomes a member of the Newa-Guthi automatically. That is why demographically there are all youngest to eldest people in the group and mostly same Newar caste family as an ethnicity. One of the biggest reasons the members are dismissed is that if a member gets married to someone who belongs to other community or other caste, he is dismissed for lifetime from the Newa -Guthi discourse community. I am so glad that I am part of this Guthi because Newari character is the taste of society and has the similar kind of nice, gentle, humble attitude that are exemplified as the Newar society. No one ever lives with isolated because everyone is delighted by pleasant nature. My Guthi is traditional social organization and I have been involving with various functions that include events, activities, and traditions. I see that the preserving heritage is the biggest responsible of this Guthi and its aspects are traditional music, dance, and costume along with religion, festivals and rituals, and language.
            The Guthi clarified that the Newars are the first rulers of Nepal. Since then, the Newars are still living in Kathmandu. Newars have mongoloid physical characteristics, and they are very friendly by nature. The mongoloid belongs to Tibet linguistic group; possibly the origination with the Kiratis that were a tribal hill people who came from the East, Tibet. Although the leaders of the Guthi community are stereotypical, they accepted the fact that Newars were a mixer of different other people who were attracted to the Kathmandu valley. They restricted to be only Newars caste. Even though, many people who migrated from different state to the valley, they are not allowed to join this group. Newar language and cultures became Newars’ traditional ancient heritage. This brought cultural and lingual diversity among the Newars. Their living standard is pretty much formal, and the most striking characteristic is their love of communal life. Since Newari culture is reach of traditional cultures. They are humble and always ready to exchange their emotions. Their houses are surrounded with religious significance as they have many religious festivals throughout the entire year.  The people who are in Newa-Guthi community speak Newari language also known as Nepal Bhasa. According to the researcher, Nepal Bhasa shares the features of Kirant and Tibetan dialects of Northern Himalaya.  The Colloquial term used every day by native Newari speaker is called Newah Bhaye. It involves five major dialects and several sub-dialects spoken by Newars within the Guthi community. Very few people used slang and rough language with only their age of group not allowed to use with elders otherwise their behavior becomes bad manner and may impacts bad with family too. This language is spoken since 12th century and it has independent expression. One of the great prevalent in this language is standard dialect that signifies respects and discipline. 
            There are many Hindu and Buddhist deities in Nepal. Some of them specialize in curing diseases. All members of the Newa-Guthi are strongly associated with religion, no matter whether it is Buddhist or Hindu. Their daily worship and pray follow throughout the entire year. As there are many temples in the valley, all are belongs to Hindu and Buddhist, and as far as people from this Guthi community, some are Buddhist then some are Hindu. I used to visit different temple and pray all deities. Ganesh, Shiva, Buddha, Kumari, Manjushree, Ajima are prevalent deities in Nepal. I pray every day Ganesh who is known as first praying God among all and represents intelligence, wisdom, discipline, and sincerity.  Likewise I pray to different gods with different aspects most community people do. Praying and worshiping is common and everyday activity within community, so mostly people have pleasant relationship. However, some people within community are insincere because of their uncivilized manner, and it has badly impacted in the Guthi.
            Furthermore, the activity that I was involved with the Newa-Guthi community was their traditional culture such as music instruments and dance.  The most popular category of traditional musical instrument is Basuri Baja and Dhime Baja which is important for most of the festivals. Basuri Baja is also played during wedding ceremonies, but it is optional for such occasions. The community provides the training of the music instrument and the traditional dance for young people so that the community can utilize into various functions, and I got that training and participated in many functions. I learned typical Newari music and associated with it for a couple of years. Various kind of traditional dances are performed according the occasion. As this Guthi community is service oriented, it provides services to member’s family as the need in any traditional function. For example, if someone is getting married, the Newa-Guthi community provides the band with music instruments and resources. In term of resources, all members are informed about the marriage function and male members should involve on the event.  If they do not show up, they are subject to be punished or applied for certain fees. This is considered as the rules
            The Newa-Guthi has been involved with traditional festival that starts with Gathanmungha and ends with SithiNakha. There are many festivals throughout the entire years that the community people celebrate within the group. Dashain and Tihar are the most first and second national festival of Nepal, and the community celebrates these festivals enthusiastically. As many activities involve with these festivals, I happen to be involved with all activities and is full of fun. During the national festivals, not only Guthi Community’s people are free from the work, all nationwide people; one thing they all do is enjoy all the time. It is really such a nice festival, and I am proud to be part of it. Buying new clothes, eating different varieties of food, and visiting each other family is the main prevalent of the festival. You can you see smiles in everyone’s face and are filled with happiness with no stress or tension. Because of national holiday, it is become even more enthusiastic celebration.
            Life is a series of celebrations for Newars. From birth to till death, even after death, numerous rituals have to be followed. Newa ritual is equally important as festival. Some the traditional rituals are birth, birth ritual starts from the following day of a child’s birth. The first ritual conducted is termed as Byankegu which is carried out on 4th  or 6th  or 10th  or 11th day of birth; puberty rite, named Barah Tayegu or in other terms Surya Darshan(sun sight), in which a girl is kept inside a dark room for 12 days is called also Gufa that is why this ritual occurs in groups; married, marriage in Newar society is conducted according to a typical Hindu manner; mostly being the arranged ones by the facilitator Lamhi (agent); jankoo, Newar is believed to start a new life that of a living as God at the age of 77 years 7 months and 7 days. The jankoo ceremony performed earlier in their lives at the age of five or seven months; is performed again for the aged men and women and is called Bhim Rathaarohan, marking their second birth; and finally death rituals, when a Newar person dies that belongs to the same community, a series of rituals have to be followed. The funeral system includes various religious rituals which are extended to the next day of funeral. From the funeral system to the rituals of marking 7 days (Nhyanuma), 9 days (Gunu), 12 days (Ghasu), 45 days (Latya), 6 months (Khula), 1 year (Dakila) and 2 years (Nirha). Then finally finishes the death ritual. I know it is pretty rigorous to follow these rituals. That is why today’s new generation people stop inheriting the rules like specially on death ritual is very hard to follow.
            On the one hand, I feel proud of being Newar and part of well-known community in Nepal; on the other hand, there are so many rigors to follow in term of traditional festival and rituals as stated above. In today’s technological age, it comes to very hard to embrace the traditions that the Newa-Guthi community has because new generation has different prospect and visions. Their ideology has been totally different than the people who are running the community and are stereotypical. Even though I have discussed with the community leader, I have not been able to convince them that we need a new rationale that directs and helps to create new direction, but they never tried to understand that it can help put the community into new management and new society.

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