Reflection Essay: The Concept of learning discourse community

The concept of learning discourse community
I became aware of learning so many things in writing world. In fact, I have learned more than I thought I would, and I am very surprised on how hard actually working on discourse community essay and concept of writing—mainly in contexts— to get this semester done, finally this course has helped me tremendously to understand what actually the discourse community is and to overcome my fear of writing. At first it was unknown about how to write five pages essays about discourse community, but the slowly learning process helps me writing essays broadly. It was very hard to understand the concepts that teacher’s requirements regarding discourse community. I got to dig myself harder to get it and complete it. There are so many things that I have learned from this class, but One extremely important is that knowing very clearly about discourse and academic discourse community. At the end of the semester I think my main strength as a writer is the ability to vividly describe what I observed and have experienced. To me it is a big success.
What I liked about this course is easy learning method. The way professor teaches is so simple and understanding, and direct point of interest to the chapter/course. The most importantly what I liked when I work with writing is applying all elements that I learned such as, writing concept—how and why people write— and become familiar with knowing requirements of assignment. Knowing introduction:  three parts bodies: main idea, support concluding sentence, and Conclusion: summarize, prediction, and emphasize helped me add more contents on essay. I learned quick learning techniques and understanding of the writing method. That all writing rules that I have learned and have been precisely used in my discourse community essay put me next level of understanding discourse community.  Even though, I was associated since birth with the community, I never realize and understand the concepts of discourse community, but Dr. Myers, my instructor, has helped me to understand clearly about it. I now have understanding as a big picture of discourse community.
I began noticing what other elements are involved in the discourse community. My involvement in the community that was great opportunity to learn so many things, and now I have sense of how people communicate, what are their outfits, what kind of food they eat, how many languages they speak, how is their language accent, how people bond with each other in the community, what community’s rules and what is their mission, and eventually what all the discourse community about. Knowing activities from the community that make a sense to me helps to increase up to academic discourse community if I want to develop it. I now can differentiate what discourse community and what academic discourse community. Having clear sense of both discourse communities will help me significantly in my future endeavor.
 As a writer it is my greatest strength in writing process is being able to gain abilities and include appropriate contents in writing world with understanding of the contexts and process. Now I have improved on critical thinking, planning, and composing in correct way. These would be great assets for me to exist in American writing world. After writing essay I usually do some process to make the essay perfect.  Also I have built concept of revising and editing that I always let others to revise and myself, and edit accordingly. Hopefully this would bring me a success in my next future classes.
           I strongly wanted to improve upon focusing on contexts. I understand the creative idea is very important in writing. It is always hard to create ideas of situations in my writing. I know once get an idea, it will be easy to develop so that readers to interpret easily and identify the concept of my writing articles.  One of my biggest goals when I began Eng-1101 was to learn how to understand the context of articles, how to create ideas to write effectively. This course has helped me immensely, significantly gained confidences on real writing concept, and taught me lots of writing skills. It is definitely going to help me in my future endeavor and corporate job.  I’m so happy to get this course in this semester.

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