A letter to a representative_the Honorable Senator Saxby Chambliss

November 12, 2012
The Honorable Senator Saxby Chambliss
416 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Senator Chambliss,
            On May 12, 2010 H.R. 5281, DREAM Act, was introduced in the House of Representatives by Congressman Howard L. Berman (D-Calf.) and a bipartisan group of his colleagues. The DREAM Act will give eligible approximately twelve million undocumented immigrants who have been residing in the United States for long time, and they educated in our schools, the opportunity to attend college and begin the long process of legalizing their immigration status.  
             I am writing this in regards of the legislation H.R. 5281, DREAM Act. As per I noticed, you have voted Nay (NO) to the legislation. Please accept my humble request that if you proceed for this legislation, there are millions of undocumented immigrants who are eagerly waiting for it to be passed and they will be eligible to remain in the United States. I would like to thank you in advance allowing me to ask you a question that can you help them keeping your positive mind along with additional Senate to invoke cloture three fifth to pass the DREAM Act?

             Recently, the Obama administration announced the end of deportations of undocumented young people in the United States who would be eligible for a path to conditional legal status under the DREAM Act. While this policy, known as deferred action, is a good first step in providing relief for individual stuck in legal process, only Congressional action can put these undocumented immigrants on the path to legal immigration status by passing the DREAM Act, and ultimately enacting comprehensive immigration reform.  Therefore, I would need to keep the pressure on Senate in order to create a better future for these people and for our country as a whole.
