World wide web: what is the means we use to access information over the internet?
Instant messaging: what is a type of program that enables you to communicate in real time with others who are online?
Email: what is the main form of communication in the 21st century?
Wiki: what is a type of web site that allows users to change its content by adding, removing, or editing the content?
Pod cast: what is a clip of audio or video content that is broadcast over the internet using compressed files?
Web browser: what is a software application that enables users to display and interact with text and other media on the web?
Breadcrumb list: what is a list of pages within a web site you’ve visited?
Domain name: what is also referred to as “host name”?
What is the protocol that allows files to be transferred from a computer that hosts the web site you are requesting so that you can see the web site on your computer by using a browser?
My bookmarks: what is a free internet service that stores your bookmarks and favorites online?
Spider: what is a program that constantly collects data on the web, following links in web sites and reading web pages?
Wildcards: what are placeholders that are helpful when searching with unknown terms?
Subject directory: what is a structured outline of web sites organized by topics and subtopics?
Complete-planet: what is a deep web directory that searches databases not normally searched by typical search engines?
Algorithm: what is the unique formula a search engine uses to formulate a search and create the resulting index of related sites?
DSL: what is a broadband connection that uses telephone lines to connect to the internet?
Modem: what device translates a broadband signal into digital data and back again?
Satellite: what is a broadband connection used in rural or mountain areas when other broadband services are unavailable?
Aircard: what enables users to have wireless internet connections with devices such as notebook computers?
Cable: what is a connection that requires a company to upgrade its networks to two-way data transmission capabilities?
Chat room: what is a form of synchronous communication in which online conversations occur in real time and are visible to everyone participating?
Listserv: what is an electronic mailing list of people who are interested in a certain topic or area of interests?
Video blog: what is a personal journal that uses video as the primary content in addition to text, images and audio?
Hyperlinks: what allows you to jump from place to place on the web by clicking specially formatted pieces of text or images?
ARPANET: what began as a four-node network and eventually evolved into our modern internet?
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