Technology in Action: Securing system-Chapter 9 Jeopardy and Presentation

Script kiddies: A: what group of computer criminals use tools created by skilled hackers that enable unskilled novices to wreak the same havoc as professional hackers?

Denial-of-service (DoS): B: what type of attack blocks legitimate access to a computer system because a hacker is repeatedly making requests of that computer system?

Firewall: B: what is a software program or hardware device designed to keep computers sage from hackers?

Antivirus software: B: what is software specifically designed to detect viruses and protect your computer and files from harm?
Inoculation: C: what is the process of antivirus software recording key attributes about files on your computer and shoring these statistics in a safe place on your hard drive?
Worm: A: what type of malware travels between systems through network connection to spread its infections?
Backdoor program: A: what type of malware allows hackers to take almost complete control of your computer without your knowledge?
Packet sniffer: A: what is a program that looks at or sniffs each packet as it travels on the internet?
 Boot-sector virus: C: what type of virus replicates itself into a hard drive’s master boot record?
Polymorphic virus: B: what type of virus changes its own code or periodically rewrites itself to avoid detection?
Spam: A: what is unwanted, unsolicited, or junk email?
Spyware: B: what is an unwanted piggyback program that usually downloads with other software you want to install from the internet and runs in the background of your system?
Virus: B: what is a program that attaches itself to another computer program and attempts to spread to other computer when files are exchanged?
 Phishing: B: what is an internet scam that lures internet users into revealing personal information like passwords and bank account numbers?
Social engineering: B: what is any technique that uses social skills to generate human interaction that entices people to reveal sensitive information?
Firewall: C: what is a program or hardware device designed to keep computers sage from hackers?
Password meter: A: what shows how to integrate various elements that affect a password’s strength?
Portable privacy device: B: what stores all sensitive internet files on the privacy device, not on the computer you are using to surf the internet?
Bluesnarfing: C: what involves exploiting a flaw in the Bluetooth access software for the purpose of accessing a Bluetooth device and stealing the information on it?
Network address translation: A: what is the process of assigning internal IP addresses on a network?
Surge protector: B: what is a device that protects a computer against power surges?
Antivirus software: D: what catches known viruses effectively?
Incremental backup: D: what backs up only the files that changed since the last backup was performed on the files?
Program files: C: what is used to install software and usually comes on CDs or DVDs or is downloaded from the web?
Information assurance: C: what is defined as the set of measures intended to protect and defend information and information system?

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