American Government Comprehensive Quiz 2

Chapter 6 Congress

Question 1       Currently, there is a limit on the number of terms that our representatives at the national level can serve.
1)         True
2)         False

Question 2       A main organizational principle in the House AND the Senate is/are:
1)         The two political parties
2)         Strong party leadership
3)         None of the above
4)         A and B

Question 3       All bills must be introduced by members of Congress.
1)         True
2)         False

Question 4       Filibusters are tactics used to delay a bill in the House of Representatives.
1)         True
2)         False

Question 5       A pocket veto occurs when:
1)         The House overturns a bill passed by the Senate.
2)         The Senate overturns a bill passed by the House.
3)         The President strikes specific appropriations from a budget bill.
4)         The President does not sign or veto a bill that is passed during the last 10 days of a session.

Question 6       The Senate has the sole power to do the following:
1)         Declare war
2)         Advice and consent on major presidential appointments
3)         Vote on impeachment
4)         Initiate revenue bills

Question 7       Members of the House are elected for ___ year terms.
1)         Two
2)         Three
3)         Six
4)         Eight

Question 8       The House of Representatives has the sole power to do the following:
1)         Declare war
2)         Try impeached officials
3)         Make agreements with the executive
4)         Initiate revenue bills

Question 9       The Senate has ________ leadership than the House.
1)         Stronger
2)         Weaker
3)         Less personal
4)         More partisan

Question 10     There are ____ members of Congress with full voting privileges.
1)         430
2)         100
3)         535
4)         435

Question 11     the current majority leader in the Senate is:

a)Bill Haney
b) Newt Gingrich
c) Mitch McConnell
d) John Boehner

Question 12     US congress is a unicameral legislature.

Question 13     Senators tend to be more specialized than members of the House.

Question 14     Who appoints the members from the majority party to the Rules committee?
a)The House Majority leader
b) The Senate majority leader
c) The Speaker of the House
d) The President

Question 15     one of the constitutional powers of congress is to exercise the power of pocket veto.

Question 16     Committee to which proposed bills are referred and that continue from one Congress to the next are called---------- committee.
b) Conference
c) Special
d) Standing

Question 17     The power to establish and define powers of local government units belongs to:
a)The President
b) Federal courts
c) Rules committee
d) State legislatures

Question 18     Congress can suspend habeas corpus if a supermajority of our elected representatives agrees to do it.

Question 19     Members of Congress use earmarks to benefit the nation.

Chapter 7 The Presidency
Question 1       "Citizens' legislature" means that the politicians are professional lawmakers.
1)         True
2)         False

Question 2       One of the constitutional powers of Georgia General Assembly includes the ability to establish and define the powers of local government units.
1)         True
2)         False

Question 3       Filibusters are a common occurrence in Georgia General Assembly.
1)         True
2)         False

Question 4       Georgia General Assembly meets all year long.
1)         True
2)         False

Question 5       Which of the following is NOT a presidential power:
1)         The power to convene Congress
2)         The power to declare war
3)         The power to pardon
4)         The power to veto legislation
5)         all of the above are presidential powers

Question 6       The following President greatly increased presidential powers:
1)         Eisenhower
2)         Reagan
3)         Franklin D. Roosevelt
4)         Ford

Question 7       President can veto constitutional amendments.
1)         True
2)         False

Question 8       Neustadt's theory suggests that the President should use his formal powers as frequently as possible.
1)         True
2)         False

Question 9       The 22nd amendment limits the President to serving no more than:
1)         4 years
2)         8 years
3)         9 years
4)         10 years

Question 10     According to the in-class assigned reading, Senator McCaskill criticized her Republican colleagues for attempting to hide information about earmarks.
1)         True
2)         False

Chapter 8 the executive branch and the federal bureaucracy

Question 1       According to the War Powers Act, the President must inform Congress within 48 hours about his decision to start a military action abroad.
1)         True
2)         False

Question 2       Agreements that the President enters with foreign nations that do not require the approval of the Senate are called:
1)         Executive agreements
2)         Executive orders
3)         Covenants
4)         Legislative packages

Question 3       Congress can override a Presidential veto with a
1)         Simple majority in the House
2)         Simple majority in the Senate
3)         Two-third majority in the House and two-third majority in the Senate
4)         Two-third majority in the joint session of the House and the Senate

Question 4       The composition of the Cabinet is described in Article 2 of the Constitution.
1)         True
2)         False

Question 5       A two-third majority vote by the Senate is required to remove the President after impeachment.
1)         True
2)         False

Question 6       The executive order of the President:
1)         has the power to create policy
2)         has no legal consequence
3)         is the same as the executive agreement
4)         is a rule from the judicial branch mandating that the President do something

Question 7       Which of the following offices is the President constitutionally empowered to appoint?
1)         The state Supreme Court justices
2)         The speaker of the House
3)         Ambassadors
4)         The President of the Senate

Question 8       The Office of Management and Budget aids the President in drafting his budget proposal.
1)         True
2)         False

Question 9       The White House Staff:
1)         must be confirmed by the Senate
2)         number over 2,000
3)         possess independent legal authority

4)         derive their power from their personal relationship with the President
Question 10     The EOP (the Executive Office of the President) includes:
1)         The Treasury department
2)         The Council of Economic Advisers
3)         The CIA
4)         All of the above

Question                 The Pendleton Act established the principle of ___________ in federal hiring.
1)         Patronage
2)         Merit
3)         Partisanship
4)         Civility
Question 2       The ratification of _______ in 1913 gave Congress the authority to implement a federal income tax.
1)         10th amendment
2)         Hatch Act
3)         16th Amendment
4)         Supremacy clause
Question 3       The Senate's checks on bureaucracy include:
1)         Issue executive orders
2)         The power to confirm presidential appointees
3)         all of the above
4)         none of the above
Question 4       The following Department was created after 9/11:
1)         Department of Defense
2)         Department of State
3)         Department of Homeland Security
4)         None of the above
Question 5       The size of the bureaucracy decreased after the Civil War.
1)         True
2)         False
Question 6       Weber's theory underlines the following feature of bureaucracy:
1)         Its flexibility
2)         Legal authority
3)         Its huge authority
4)         All of the above
Question 7       Today most bureaucrats are hired based on merit.
1)         True
2)         False
Question 8       Iron triangles refer to the relationships between agencies, interest groups and departments.
1)         True
2)         False
Question 9       The power of the courts to review acts of the other branches of government is known as:
1)         judicial privilege
2)         government review
3)         judicial review
4)         original jurisdiction
Question 10     The justices of the Supreme court are
1)         elected in nonpartisan election
2)         appointed by Congress and ratified by the President
3)         nominated by the House and confirmed by the Senate
4)         nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate

Chapter 9 The Judiciary
Question 1       The Pendleton Act established the principle of ___________ in federal hiring.
1)         Patronage
2)         Merit
3)         Partisanship
4)         Civility
Question 2       The ratification of _______ in 1913 gave Congress the authority to implement a federal income tax.
1)         10th amendment
2)         Hatch Act
3)         16th Amendment
4)         Supremacy clause
Question 3       The Senate's checks on bureaucracy include:
1)         Issue executive orders
2)         The power to confirm presidential appointees
3)         all of the above
4)         none of the above
Question 4       The following Department was created after 9/11:
1)         Department of Defense
2)         Department of State
3)         Department of Homeland Security
4)         None of the above
Question 5       The size of the bureaucracy decreased after the Civil War.
1)         True
2)         False
Question 6       Weber's theory underlines the following feature of bureaucracy:
1)         Its flexibility
2)         Legal authority
3)         Its huge authority
4)         All of the above
Question 7       Today most bureaucrats are hired based on merit.
1)         True
2)         False
Question 8       Iron triangles refer to the relationships between agencies, interest groups and departments.
1)         True
2)         False
Question 9       The power of the courts to review acts of the other branches of government is known as:
1)         judicial privilege
2)         government review
3)         judicial review
4)         original jurisdiction
Question 10     The justices of the Supreme court are
1)         elected in nonpartisan election
2)         appointed by Congress and ratified by the President
3)         nominated by the House and confirmed by the Senate
4)         nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate

Chapter 10 Public opinion and the news media
Question 1       A shifting in party support in the electorate that remains for several elections is known as:
1)         misalignment
2)         electoral tsunami
3)         ticket splitting
4)         realignment
Question 2       The process through which an individual acquires particular political ideology is most accurately called:
1)         juveline politization
2)         political acclimation
3)         public opinion
4)         political socialization
Question 3       Religion is not a very powerful predictor of the vote.
1)         True
2)         False
Question 4       Which of the following is least likely to be an agent of political socialization?
1)         family
2)         school
3)         mass media
4)         political candidates
Question 5       What is narrowcasting?
1)         the tendency of mass media to use stereotypes
2)         the increasing reliance on political pundits
3)         political coverage that is superficial
4)         the targeting of media programs at specific segments of the population
Question 6       The principle that all candidates should have the same right to purchase airtime if the station sells time to one candidate is known as:
1)         The fairness doctrine
2)         The equal time rule
3)         Content regulation
4)         Prior restraint
Question 7       Political parties are most important and visible in:
1)         legislative branch
2)         judiciary
3)         local governments
4)         all of the above
Question 8       Political parties can serve as a link between different aspects of government that are otherwise separated. Parties can link:
1)         the executive and the legislative branches
2)         the Senate and the House
3)         national, state and local government officials
4)         all of the above
Question 9       Each four years, each party nominates its presidential candidate and vice presidential candidate through:
1)         platform
2)         series of regional conferences
3)         national convention
4)         national policy committee
Question 10                 What is ticket-splitting?
1)         proportional representation
2)         voting for the third parties
3)         refusing to register with a political party
4)         voting for candidates from different political parties in an election

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