BP-15 Project Management

What are project objectives?
Defines the work that must be completed to deliver a product with the specified features and functions
Products, services, or processes that are not specifically a part of the project
Quantifiable criteria that must be met for the project to be considered a success
Any measurable, tangible, verifiable outcome, result or item that is produced to complete a project or part of a project
Question 2       Which of the following is not a technique for choosing strategic projects?
Categorize projects
Focus on organizational goals
Develop a project plan
Perform a financial analysis
Question 3       What are project assumptions?
Quantifiable criteria that must be met for the project to be considered a success
Factors that are considered to be true, real, or certain without proof or demonstration
A document issued by the project initiator or sponsor that formally authorizes the existence of a project and provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities
Specific factors that can limit options
Question 4       Risk management is the process of proactive and ongoing identification, analysis, and response to risk factors.
Question 5       What type of chart typically displays the critical path?
Gantt chart
PERT chart
All of the above
None of the above
Question 6       Who are individuals and organizations actively involved in the project or whose interests might be affected as a result of project execution or project completion?
Project manager
Project stakeholders
Executive sponsor
All of the above
Question 7       An organization must identify what it wants to do and how it is going to do it. What does the "how" part of this question focus on?
Analysis of project risks
Expected results of the project
Justification of the project
Definition of the project
Question 8       Which of the following is not a guideline for effectively dealing with change management?
Institute change management policies
Stop change
Seek change
Anticipate change
Question 9       What is the logical relationship that exists between the project tasks, or between a project task and a milestone?
Question 10     Who is the person or group who provides the financial resources for the project?
Project manager
Project stakeholders
Executive sponsor
All of the above
Question 11     The M in the SMART criteria for successful objective creation stands for manageable.
Question 12     An organization must identify what it wants to do and how it is going to do it. What does the "what" part of this question focus on?
Justification of the project
Definition of the project
Expected results of the project
All of the above
Question 13     What is the most important part of the project plan?
Gantt chart
None of the above
Question 14     What are project constraints?
A document issued by the project initiator or sponsor that formally authorizes the existence of a project and provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities
Quantifiable criteria that must be met for the project to be considered a success
Factors that are considered to be true, real, or certain without proof or demonstration
Specific factors that can limit options
Question 15     Project stakeholders are individuals and organizations actively involved in the project or whose interests might be affected as a result of project execution of project completion.
Question 16     Which of the following is not a characteristic of a well-defined project plan?
Appropriate to the project's size
Prepared by the project manager
Easy to read
Communicated to all key participants
Question 17     What is project scope?
Quantifiable criteria that must be met for the project to be considered a success
Products, services, or processes that are not specifically a part of the project
Defines the work that must be completed to deliver a product with the specified features and functions
Any measurable, tangible, verifiable outcome, result or item that is produced to complete a project or part of a project
Question 18     What is a project charter?
Quantifiable criteria that must be met for the project to be considered a success
A document issued by the project initiator or sponsor that formally authorizes the existence of a project and provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities
Factors that are considered to be true, real, or certain without proof or demonstration
Specific factors that can limit options
Question 19     In a Gantt chart tasks are listed __________ and the project's timeframe is listed ____________.
Horizontally, horizontally
Horizontally, vertically
Vertically, horizontally
Vertically, Vertically
Question 20     What is a graphical network model that depicts a project's tasks and the relationships between those tasks?
Gantt chart
PERT chart
All of the above
Question 21     What is a simple bar chart that depicts project tasks against a calendar?
Gantt chart
PERT chart
All of the above
Question 22     A project plan should include a "kill switch" or a trigger that enables a project manager to close the project prior to completion.
Question 23     What do SMART criteria for successful objective creation include?
Specific, measurable, accurate, real, time valued
Specific, metrics, agreed upon, real, time valued
Specific, metrics, agreed upon, realistic, time framed
Specific, measurable, agreed upon, realistic, time framed
Question 24     A project is an ongoing endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service.
Question 25     What is the critical path?
The path between tasks to the projects finish that passes through all critical components of a project plan
The path from start to finish that passes through all the tasks that are critical to completing the project in the shortest amount of time
The path from start to finish that passes through all the tasks that are critical to completing the project in the longest amount of time
The path from resource to task that passes through all critical components of a project plan