Research Paper: Non-Profit Organization, Pushpa Basnet

Semester Action Paper Project
Mohan Maharjan
Dr. Thomas Lilly
“The Voices of the Heart: if one advances to do it from the heart, the entire universe will favor to succeed.”
This article presents a central idea on a perspective of how a person’s dream-work can impact the whole world, which agrees with a perspective from Henry David Thoreau, “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined" (Thoreau, 217).  Pushpa Basnet, founder of ECDC, which provides effective social services and sets a mission to release children from jail. Her life’s purpose is to accomplish a vision, "A mission that provides a safe environment for the children who were living in jail with their parents” (Basnet). Also, this paper presents ECDC’s evaluation and its impact to society.
In order to make life meaningful, one should recognize what his/her heart says and follow accordingly. Following the heart will direct a clear picture of identifying who the person is, and how the person can change the world. It helps make the world become a better place to live in. Pushpa Basnet, the president of Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC), found herself when she recognized a voice from her heart saying that something needed to be done for the children who lived in jail with their convicted parents. She thought that they deserve to live an equal democratic life. She began a mission to release all the children and took care under her organization.
In global society, few people are associated with genuinely assisting hundreds of helpless children, but ECDC’s genuine work has set a benchmark and known worldwide. Now it is humbly accepted by society. Despite so many difficulties to establish the ECDC, it is well-managed organization, which now is serving over a hundred children. The children are taught about all human civilizations, proper activities for daily life, and deal with negative emotions. Therefore, all children prefer to live there instead of living with their imprisoned parents. Children are enrolled in schools to provide education for their better future. Although children are under ECDC, they regularly have opportunities to visit their mothers (in jail) during holidays (  
According to Thoreau, “I learned this, at least, by my experiment; that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours” (Thoreau, 217). The ECDC’s core purpose is to provide support for children so that they do not have to live with convicted parents. ECDC purely focuses on its dedicated services towards the children. Having constantly served with full dedication for seven years, the ECDC’s president, Pushpa Basnet, has been able to receive an award of CNN’s Hero of the Year 2012.
Basnet’s principle is similar to Thoreau’s ideas of living life with purpose. She works with dedication, and selflessness. That Basnet’s dedicated and dream work, which helped children to have a new life was outstandingly appreciated the world because it indicates that her purpose of life is genuinely meaningful. Definitely it inspires people to help her more to ECDC cam extend their services to provide even better ways in following criteria:
ü  Provide the parents the handicraft training and enhance children workshop.
ü  Set up an electronic feature to receive fund online donation.
ü  Provide a quality education: focus on Information Technology.
Pushpa Basnet is a young, self-motivated social worker who founded the non-profit organization Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC). Basnet discovered her mission when she visited jail for the first time during her bachelor’s studies in social welfare. The moment, which changed her life, was when she saw a small girl who grabbed her shawl with a smile. It was extremely hard for Basnet to forget that moment. Basnet founded ECDC in 2005. She decided to rescue children from jail and committed to releasing them who are living with imprisoned parents and providing them proper childcare and quality education. Now ECDC has done remarkable work by taking care of hundreds of children.
According to the organization’s website (, ECDC partners with local jail authorities to rescue children from prison, but none of the children leave without their parents’ permission. Basnet travels to prisons and meets with mothers and their children. She explains to each mother what she can provide to her children and makes sure that the mothers are satisfied with it. If the mother agrees, Basnet takes the child with her.
Initially, Basnet faced many difficulties, such as selling her own jewelry to keep the center running, and a lack of food for the children, and basic necessities. She began working with dedication, selflessness, and determination. Thoreau wrote, “I learned this, at least, by my experiment; that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours” (Thoreau, 217). Basnet dedicated her life to children because she is completely happy with it. “I don't ever get a day off, but if I didn't have the children around me, it would be hard," and "When I'm with them, I'm happy" she told CNN (
During Basnet’s interview with CNN, she said, “It's absolutely not fair for those children to live in the prison because they have not done anything wrong,” and "My mission is to make sure the children have equal rights to live" ( She has been working seven years in social work (ECDC) with dedication and selflessness. Therefore, ECDC’s astonishing work exemplifies the diversity of social work. She was nominated for CNN’s Hero of the Year award 2012. After that, she felt her dedicated work is worthy and known worldwide.
Although Basnet was viewed as a crazy lady, she decided to take care of children who are obliged to live in jail. She was completely isolated by her relative and friends, but she ignored all critics. She thought, she was born to help the children and wished her dream will be successful as she heard what her heart was saying. Eventually, the biggest accomplishment she achieved when those people who criticized her at first began to appreciate her outstanding work. In addition, ELGA Foundation of South Korea awarded ELGA Youth Award to ECDC in September 1, 2012, at Seoul's Chung Conference Hall. ECDC has been known internationally since she was nominated for the CNN Hero of the Year Award 2012, winning a fifty thousand-grant amount for her effort and contributions towards the welfare of children who are behind the bars ( The good news was that on Sunday, December 2nd 2012, CNN honored her that she was named CNN Hero of the Year award 2012; additionally, she will receive two hundred fifty thousand dollar to further help the organization.
ECDC’s objectives are:
ü  Expand the organization’s branches all over the country.
ü  Provide technological education so that the children can meet today’s global requirement.
ü  Plan to serve 300 children in Fiscal Year 2013.
ü  Develop an effective training manual, methods, and materials for instructors and volunteers. ECDC can improve systematic management programs.
Basnet’s giving nature expresses Thoreau’s philosophy. Thoreau is always connected to nature, and he never feels alone rather he is always happy with it (Thoreau, 80). Ms. Basnet expresses “she is complete when she is with the children” and she is always associated with the viewpoint of “Giving is a gift” and always willing to give, give, and give to the children, as much as she can where love and affection grows. Eventually, the love will spread all over the world to live happily.
When Basnet was interviewed with Kantipur TV, she said, “Although, there were so many difficulties to keep the organization running, amazing things happen that always somebody is there to help and it gives me incredible feelings. She began worrying when she did not have food or money to serve the children, but “God is there” always sending somebody to fulfill the needs. In the past, she sold her own jewelry and possessions to keep the center going.” She experienced hardships when collecting fund to register ECDC. She was able to collect funds finally even though nobody believed her. Later, she became worried about the forty children’s necessities and their future. "When I started, nobody believed in me and thought I was crazy.” Basnet said, Now, people have appreciated me and my work. She further extends her visions that since CNN has given a big honored, a lot of responsibilities have been added, and so it needs to work even harder to make the organization smooth running.
First, ECDC can start a program to teach the parents—both mothers and fathers—how to make handicrafts, which they can sell to raise money for the children's care. It not only builds skills, but also helps to keep parents and children connected and to support themselves when they are released from the jail, and more importantly. They could think that they're normal people. In addition, ECDC can teach the children to be independent, which is a healthy part of normal child development. As children grow, they learn to do more and more tasks. ECDC will help the children become independent by allowing and encouraging them to take responsibility for themselves whenever possible. The children can also help the organization by making greeting cards that Basnet can sell as part of ECDC’s child support (
Furthermore, ECDC’s biggest concern is trying to find ways to do more to give the children a better future. As Ms. Basnet never stops thinking about children and their future, she can set up an electronic feature to receive online donation to receive fund and direct deposit to bank account. Because accepting online donation may help to increase more funds, Basnet may be able to save funds in saving account for future needs and secure financially; she may be able to imagine and will say, "This is what I want to do with my life" and "surely it will make me feel good.”  Once the ECDC is financially secured then Basnet can think further to build a bigger house so that the children always have a place to live in.
Finally, ECDC may set its motto, which may set as a quality education provider focuses on Information Technology because IT industry is one which can provide global knowledge. Eventually, when children are grown up, they will be able to provide their advance knowledge to the organization according global needs. As recent world considers Technology age, technology has become more important in any society. Children, who are growing under ECDC, can be benefited in so many ways. For instance, children can learn faster with more depth of understanding, technology can accelerate and deepen basic skills, technology facilitates advance learning, and more importantly, it can help children to increase efficiency. Consequently, each child’s education is a fundamental human right and vital to achieving economic growth, increasing income, and sustaining a healthy society. Education is important in helping to improve lives, break the cycle of poverty. Basnet expects that one day all those children will have great potential and be able to utilize their knowledge to develop the nation. They will become the epitome of genuine work, which Basnet started and dreamed.
Pushpa Basnet, President of ECDC, is a young dynamic social worker, who was suspended one year in her college life. As she was never daunted, she was able to complete a master’s degree and increase her visions of social work. She especially established ECDC, which is a non-profit organization for those children who live in jail with their parents and do not have help for their destiny. She extends her services to provide a safe environment, childcare, health care, and more importantly a quality education focus on Information Technology. She believes that it is not fair for those children to live in the jail; consequently, their life is being spoiled. They should deserve a better life and the equal rights to live free as in a democratic society.
According to Thoreau, each human life should be lived with truth, and it is a prevalent theme running throughout Walden; he seeks true nature and regards it very highly. "Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth" (Thoreau, 222). ECDC’s intention is always to remain in service of truth. Basnet is considered as a pure-hearted person as Basnet feels pure happiness with children. Basnet never follows any unimportant consequences; rather Basnet always seeks to provide genuine work for those children and tries to make difference in the world. Basnet has invested her whole life into ECDC to make sure the children’s lives are as equal as rest of society. Basnet is known as an energetic social worker not only nationally, but internationally as well. Her unique social work has been cherished by the entire world. Consequently, she became CNN’s Hero of Year 2012.

Works Cited
Basnet, Pushpa. Early Childhood Development Center. 2012. Web. 8 Dec. 2012.
            <> Give2Asia. 2012. Web. 8 Dec. 2012. <>
Thoreau, Henry D. Walden Civil Disobedience and Other Writings. Ed. William Rossi. New
            York: W. W. Norton and Company, 2008. Print.
Toner, Kathleen. Pulling children out of Nepal's prisons. 2012. Web. 16 March. 2012.

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