Chapter 2: Encountering the New World, 1492–1600

1. Prior to the fifteenth century, luxury and exotic goods traveled to Europe
 a. by sea from Greece and Africa.
 b. overland from Persia, Asia Minor, India, and Africa.
 c. by river from central Europe.
 d. overland from Italy.
2. From the twelfth century through the fifteenth century, Mediterranean trade was dominated by
 a. Persia.
 b. Asia Minor.
 c. Italian cities.
 d. Africa.
3. The Portuguese determined that the most profitable way to use Africa was to
 a. conquer areas violently.
 b. colonize inland territory.
 c. establish coastal trading posts.
 d. mine for their own gold.
4. By the early sixteenth century, the Portuguese controlled a major commercial empire in
 a. Africa.
 b. Europe.
 c. the East Indies.
 d. South America.
5. Columbus’s initial journey was sponsored by the monarchy of
 a. Genoa.
 b. Spain.
 c. Portugal.
 d. England.
6. Columbus and his men were disappointed by San Salvador because
 a. the native Tainos were hostile.
 b. the weather was too warm.
 c. it took too long to sail there.
 d. it was not filled with riches.
7. After Magellan’s voyage to circumnavigate the globe, most Europeans who crossed the Atlantic
 a. intended to get to Asia.
 b. were geographers and cartographers.
 c. were headed for the New World.
 d. hoped to re–create Magellan’s route.
8. Europeans procured a number of valuable items from the New World, including
 a. iron technology.
 b. corn and potatoes.
 c. horses.
 d. microorganisms.
9. In 1521, Cortés mounted a victorious assault on the
 a. Tainos.
 b. Incas.
 c. Mexicans.
 d. Tobascos.
10. The largest treasure produced by Spanish conquests in the New World came from
 a. Peru.
 b. Mexico.
 c. New Mexico.
 d. Cuba.
11. Society in New Spain was
 a. stratified by race and country of origin.
 b. relatively egalitarian.
 c. identical to that of Spain.
 d. patterned on that of the native Indians.
12. When the Indian population of New Spain dwindled, decimated by European diseases and hard labor, the Spanish began to import
 a. free laborers from Spain.
 b. indentured servants from Spain.
 c. African slaves.
 d. indentured servants from Africa.
13. The __________ century was Spain’s Golden Age.
 a. fourteenth
 b. fifteenth
 c. sixteenth
 d. seventeenth
14. Ultimately, the wealth that Charles V and his successor, Philip II, derived from New Spain
 a. was distributed to the Spanish peasants, enabling many to buy land and improve their situation.
 b. enabled the two kings to greatly reduce taxation of Spanish nobles.
 c. allowed them to pay off the debts Spain had incurred in defending the Catholic faith throughout the Old World.
 d. was not nearly enough to finance their military ambitions.
15. Martin Frobisher’s sailing expedition into the waters of northern Canada was sponsored by the
 a. Cathay Company.
 b. British.
 c. French.
 d. East India Company.
16. The English colonization of Roanoke Island was organized by
 a. Sir Walter Raleigh.
 b. Sir Humphrey Gilbert.
 c. John White.
 d. Martin Frobisher.

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