The Film Experience: Chapter 3, Cinematography quiz

1. Photography means:

 a. image capture
 b. writing in movement
 c. light writing
 d. none of the above
The answer is c.
2. Film produces this illusion of
movement because of a delay in human perception called:
 a. persistence of vision
 b. phi phenomenon
 c. rack focus
 d. phenomenology
The answer is a.
3. A shot may not:
 a. move forward or backward
 b. cut to another point of view
 c. move up or down
 d. both a and c
The answer is b.
4. The three important attributes
every shot must orchestrate are:
 a. framing, focus, and depth of field
 b. framing, depth of field, and movement
 c. point of view, depth of field, and focus
 d. point of view, movement, and focus
The answer is b.
5. The range or distance before and
behind the main focus in which objects remain relatively sharp and clear is
 a. point of view
 b. perspective
 c. depth of field
 d. gauge
The answer is c.
6. Which of these is NOT a cultural
role for the image throughout history?
 a. as a form of amusement
 b. as a tool for explaining the world
 c. as a manifestation of power and control
 d. They are all cultural roles for the image.
The answer is d.
7. What is the name of the
light-weight camera that appeared in the 1950s?
 a. Steadicam
 b. Arriflex
 c. IMAX
 d. Showscan
The answer is b.
8. Which of the following is NOT one
of the three dimensions of the film image?
 a. the height of the frame
 b. the width of the frame
 c. the speed of the film
 d. the depth of the image
The answer is c.
9. The Academy Ratio is:
 a. 1.33: 1
 b. 1.66: 1
 c. 1.85: 1
 d. 2.35: 1
The answer is a.
10. The difference between
letterboxing and the pan-and-scan process is:
 a. letterboxing crops off parts of the movie
and pan-and-scan blocks off the top and bottom of the TV frame for a smaller
version of the widescreen image
 b. pan-and-scan crops off parts of the movie
and letterboxing blocks off the top and bottom of the TV frame for a smaller
version of the widescreen image
 c. there is no difference
 d. none of the above
The answer is b.
11. An overhead shot is also called
 a. pan shot
 b. above head shot
 c. high angle shot
 d. crane shot

The answer is d.
12. Which of the following is NOT an
example of reframing?
 a. point-of-view shot
 b. traveling shot
 c. pan shot
 d. rack focus
The answer is a.
13. Which of the following does
tradition of presence NOT imply?
 a. a close identification with the point of
view of the image
 b. a response to the image that is primarily
 c. a response to the image that is primarily
 d. an experience of the image as if it were a
lived reality
The answer is b.
14. Which of the following are two
specific movements that embody the tradition of textuality?
 a. phenomenological image and semiotic image
 b. semiotic image and psychological image
 c. aesthetic image and semiotic image
 d. aesthetic image and phenomenological
The answer is c.
15. Point of view refers to:
 a. the angle of the shot
 b. the focus of the shot (deep or shallow)
 c. the framing of the shot
 d. the position from which a person, event, or
object is seen in the shot
Correct. The answer is d.
16. Who produced the first still
 a. Joseph Niepce
 b. Edwaerd Muybridge
 c. Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre
 d. Thomas Edison
The answer is c.
17. The gauge of film refers to:
 a. the amount of light that can permeates for
each shot
 b. the type of camera goes with
 c. the type of stock it is
 d. the width of the film stock
The answer is d.
18. Usually the action in the _____
is less important than then the action in the ______
 a. offscreen space; frame
 b. frame; offscreen space
 c. film speed; film gauge
 d. none of the above
The answer is a.
19. A __________ is the opposite of
a ___________.
 a. film gauge; film stock
 b. medium shot; crane shot
 c. orthochromatic stock; panchromatic stock
 d. close up; long shot
The answer is d.
20. Which of the following is not a
real aspect ratio?
 a. the Academy ratio
 b. the American standard ratio
 c. the Italian standard ratio
 d. the European standard ratio
The answer is c.

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